  • Ελληνικά
Our Values
Corporate Social Responsibility
Our Vision
Why Us
Our company believes in long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with both its suppliers and customers. In three decades, we have managed to build an environment of trust and close ties, thus better communication and faster services. We have assisted small and large producers to choose the right packaging / aesthetics for their product. We are consultants for optimizing your production. We consider our goal the preservation, safe transport and proper presentation of your products.

We frame our corporate environment with relationships of trust and honesty, promoting a family atmosphere. We are practically interested in the well-being of our executives, with constant help and support. We build interpersonal relationships and support solidarity in communication between us. A point of reference for our corporate culture is the people who compose it and the values they represent, without them Kapelis Packaging could not have the corresponding success. We aim at continuous development and progress, spiritual and financial, for each member of our family.

Transparency and financial consistency are a special chapter in our values. Having been awarded for two consecutive years (2019, 2020) as the "Diamond of the Greek Economy", we faithfully serve a healthy, clean and fair financial plan. We voluntarily provide our financial data for audit by a chartered accountant. We are consistent in the payments of our suppliers and staff. Confidentiality and transparency are key features of our corporate culture.

Finally, we provide assistance to Greek society in a variety of ways that you can see on our Corporate Social Responsibility page.

Our company believes and actively strives for a collective improvement. The philosophy of the company seeks to assist, to cooperate and to be honest. We aim at an overall development of the Greek market and society, the empowerment of all and not the isolation of our company from its environment. We promote the concept of transparency and trust because we believe we can help.

Within this framework, our company takes care and preserves the Environment in which it operates, invests in a chartered accountant to promote transparency, cultivates a code of ethics and contributes to various social programs to strengthen our society.
Our People
Our Company encourages actions aimed at evolving its People. It invests in training programs and seminars in order to evolve and evolve, cultivating a team spirit for improvement.

Moreover, within the Company's Policy is the cooperation with Higher or Highest Education Institutions for the realization of practical exercises of the graduants.

Supports young people who have completed their studies but have no previous service. Absorbing young people without previous service is a company practice with benefits for itself and for society.

Our Environment
We actively strive to help activities aimed at better sustainability of our environment. We cooperate with HERRCO (Hellenic Recovery Recycling Cooperation), Appliance Recycling SA, EOAN (Hellenic Recycling Organization) and EAR (Electrical Appliances Recycling).
We continue to avoid unnecessary printing, as paper savings are inextricably linked to the company's code of ethics over the last decade. "Think before you print!".
Our social contribution
The Company is an official supporter of the Food Bank, where a great struggle is taking place by many companies, mainly in the field of food, to help feed groups that are in an unfavorable financial situation.

More specifically, Kapelis Packaging offers part of its revenue to support SOS Children's Villages, Médecins Sans Frontières and Smile of the Child. In addition, inside the company, in specially designed spaces, a collection of plastic lids is made, which are offered to the Panhellenic Association of Paraplegics, in order to make wheelchairs for the disabled who cannot afford to purchase them.

Kapelis Packaging has supported and continues to support actions, especially for students. In this context and in order for the students of the Culinary - Bakery and Confectionery department of EEEEK New Heraklion to pack their creations, Healthy Bites, turned to us to suggest solutions. Colleagues from the Sales Department responded gladly and offered packaging solutions in Doypack-type bags.
Finally, the Kapelis Packaging organization seeks and promotes transparency in every way. Our goal to frame Greek society with confidentiality and trust mobilized us. We voluntarily request an annual audit of the company's financial data by a Certified Chartered Accountant in order to prove the credibility of our company.
Kapelis Packaging's vision is to be a helper of knowledge, technology and added value in the effort of Greek industry and artisanship for recovery and successful presence in international markets.

To help in the emergence of the Greek industry standing side by side with the major and minor Greek food producer.

The goal of all of us is a self-sufficient Greece in the production, standardization and distribution of quality food in the domestic and international market.

Why choose us:
We have an extensive base of satisfied customers.
We have a history of innovative, reliable and economical packaging solutions.
We represent renowned international manufacturing companies, aiming at reliability and quality.
We possess many years of combined experience in food packaging and more.
We are equally trusted by the largest Greek companies and small producers.
Our corporate culture is inspired by respect, honesty and long-term trust.
We have a vision to help Greek handicrafts - industry.
In conclusion, we progress and evolve because we love packaging.
We have experienced staff, both scientific and technical, always willing to provide solutions and help our customers both before and after the sale of our products.
We are regularly informed through seminars and exhibitions in Greece and abroad for all developments and current trends in the field of packaging to offer you the best possible choice / solution depending on your product.
We have offer technical coverage and telephone support with full availability of spare parts for all our machines in Greece and Cyprus through our specialized and certified technical staff.
We offer a wide range of materials and machinery supporting both the small producer and the large industries.
The research and development department enables us to have competitive prices but also a wide variety of materials and machinery to meet the needs of each customer.
P. Kapelis S.A.
Zinonos 11, VI.PE.
Κoropiou, 19441, Attica
G.E.MI : 2373401000
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